Home Remedies for Throat Infection, Useful tips for sore throat infection. - Country Media
 Home Remedies for Throat Infection, Useful tips for sore throat infection.

Home Remedies for Throat Infection, Useful tips for sore throat infection.

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Home Remedies for Throat Infection

1. Salt Water Gargle
The antiseptic of the salt water can reduce you
from the throat infection. Take a glass of warm
water and then pour half teaspoon salt. Now,
gargle several times using salt water. Please be
careful that you are not swallowing the water. You
must spit the water out when you finish gargling.
To improve the condition you can use this method
at least four times in a day.

2. Honey
The easiest ingredient is honey that can cure you
from the throat problem. The antibacterial
properties of honey can work to heal you from the
sore throat. It is simple enough. Just add one or
two tablespoons of honey with one cup of
lukewarm water. Mix them and drink it several
times a day. You can take simply honey just before
going to sleep when you feel bad with sore throat.

3. Lemon
Yap, lemon even can get rid you off from the sore
throat. You just need to take a couple of slices of
lemon, salt and pepper. Sprinkle the salt and
pepper over the lemon slices and then lick the
lemon slowly.
You can gargle with the lemon juice by mixing it
with warm water also. You can add a few drops of
honey if you want. The mixture of lemon, warm
water and honey can help you to get rid of the sore

4. Power of Garlic
Garlic is not only for cooking! It can be also used
to reduce the sore throat. The antibacterial and
antiseptic contents can help you to get rid of the
sore throat. You have to cut fresh garlic into
pieces. It would be better if you can split the garlic
using your teeth. It will kill the chemical allicin
which is responsible for sore throat.
You can also use the garlic oil. Just take a few
falls of garlic oil to ¼ of a cup of water. Use this
over the throat regularly.
Eat raw and cooked garlic. Garlic pills can be taken
if you can’t bear the taste of garlic.

5. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is helpful to reduce your sore throat.
Take a pinch of cinnamon powder, one pinch of
paper and a little water. Mix all three together and
boil for a decent while. Add a teaspoon of honey to
it. Take the boiled mixture from the over and drink
this slowly. Continue this remedy for at least one

6. Control Food Items:
Always make sure that you
are not taking spicy foods too much. You will have
to control drinking cold water
and ice-cream to
control the sore throat.

My View  : As per My View, Sore throat leads to cough and cold. So, find a treatment earlier…,
 ♥ Take Hot Water.
 ♥ Take Ginger Tea.
 ♥ Gargle Salt Hot Water.
 ♥ Take the apt pill.
Look at Your Health Friends….! Take Care….!

Note : Right now I am affected by throat pain. I happened to drink Cold Water which is from other area. Make sure by not drinking the usual intakng water too throat pain may occur.

Hope it will be very useful for you too…..!

Source : Google.


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